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The Assets/Liabilities Manager supports two inventories: a household
inventory and a general Assets/Liabilities inventory. Each inventory
provides for a description, original purchase date and value, and a current
date and value. Upon entering the Assets/Liabilities Manager, the program
tries to load three files: ASSETS-LIAB, HOUSE.INVEN, and INVEN.LOCAT. If a
transaction file is in memory, the account balances are updated to the
ASSETS-LIAB file in memory (the ASSETS-LIAB file could be saved to disk to
record the account balance update; however, there is no real need for this
since the file is updated every time it's loaded to memory provided a
transaction file is in memory). The Assets/Liabilities Manager works with
whole dollars and supports entries as large as $999,999,999.
Five functions are available in the Assets/Liabilities Manager menu:
Household Inventory
Other Assets/Liabilities
Modify Locations
Assets/Liabilities Reports
Return to Main Menu
A total of 180 items can be placed in this listing. Each record
contains an original and current value along with a field for recording the
location of the item. If a location is specified, you must select the
location from the Location menu available by pressing <F3>. Additions,
deletions, and modifications are all done in this function. The last record
(a blank record) is always present (even when the file is full) and cannot
be deleted.
A total of 80 items can be placed in this listing. Each record
contains an original and current value along with a field for recording the
type of asset or liability. The type of asset or liability is specified by
cycling through the four available types with the space bar. Additions,
deletions, and modifications are all done in this function. The last record
(a blank record) is always present (even when the file is full) and cannot
be deleted. The first two records (which hold the transferred transaction
account balances) cannot be deleted although they can be modified.
This function is used to change the names of the locations available in
the location menu. If a user defined INVEN.LOCAT file is not found when the
Assets/Liabilities Manager was first entered, a default set of locations is
This function leads to a menu with four items:
Household Inventory Listing
Assets/Liabilities Listing
Net Worth Report
Return to Assets/Liabilities
The reports can be sent to screen, printer, or disk.
Note that the Net Worth Report is simply the total of all assets
(including household inventory) minus the total of all liabilities. The
assets and liabilities include transaction account balances so do not
manually enter your checking and charge accounts.
Output sent to a disk will be stored as a sequential PETASCII file
which can be loaded into most word processors.
The Configuration Manager allows you to specify screen colors, printer
control codes, and disk drive set up.
Seven functions are available in the Configuration Manager Menu:
Disk Drive
Save User Parameters
Load User Parameters
Use Default Parameters
Return to Main Menu
You can alter most aspects of the display.
You define the printer in this function. Printer Codes I and II are
sent prior to all reports sent to the printer. On completion of the print
job the ending I and II codes are sent. The Graphics codes are used only
during the Print Screen pop-up utility. If codes are not present the Print
Screen utility is disabled.
You define the program and data disk drive device numbers. The
following files are assumed to be in the program device:
All other files are assumed to be on the data drive.
The user defined display, printer, and disk drive set-up are saved to
the SET-UP file on the program device (SET-UP is not present unless you have
saved a user parameters file).
The user parameters are loaded from the program device.
Use the program's parameters.
When entering income, enter the GROSS amount (before taxes, deductions,
etc.). With a second transaction, deduct the taxes, insurance, etc.
Here are two strategies for using credit cards with the program.
1. If you use cards a lot and are concerned with tracking what you
spend then enter each credit card use as a transaction. Another
benefit of this is that when your statement comes in you can
'reconcile' the card use against the statement. While the
program won't compute adjusted balances (basically impossible
with a credit account) you can check your card status by adding
up those charges that weren't on the statement and comparing it
to the balance the program says you have on the card (after
you've entered the payment and interest transactions).
2. If you don't really care what you've spent the credit purchases
on, just enter your monthly new purchases as one transaction
entry when your statement comes.
If tracking your assets and liabilities with the Assets/Liabilities
Manager to the nearest dollar bothers you, use transaction accounts for
those CDs, IRAs, loan balances, etc., that you want data to the nearest
cent. Remember that you have twenty categories that you can use to track
data (taxes, for example) that won't be transferred to the Budget Manager.
You can use the Transactions By Category Reports to get totals for these
If you carry a balance on your credit cards, remember to enter the
interest as a transaction when the statement comes.
Be careful about the account codes you use. The program will not allow
duplicate account codes. However you could start a checking account with
code C1, close the account and delete it from the program, and then start a
different account with the same code. The program will allow this since you
deleted the record of the account from the transaction file. The problem is
you might still have transactions from the old account in the file. They
have the same account number as the new account. The problem would be
compounded if the old account was checking and the new account is charge (or
vice versa). To be on the safe side, just leave those old accounts on file
unless there is a problem with room until you move to a new transaction
file. Delete the unneeded account just prior to transferring the transaction
file. (Make sure you have 'cleared' all of the transactions from the old
account prior to doing this, or the problem will remain.)
Be sure to start all accounts with a beginning balance. If you don't
and run a balance forward (the program runs a balance forward for all
accounts when transferring a transaction file) the program will assume a
starting balance of 0.00. A good way to get going when first using the
program is to get your last statement for an account. Enter the ending
balance from the statement as a beginning balance transaction for the
account. Then get out your check register and start entering all of the
withdrawals and deposits that hadn't cleared as of the statement date. At
the end of this process the account balance from the program should match
the last total you have in your register. If not, you made a mistake
entering data or your addition in the register is bad. (Don't forget to
'clear' the beginning balances in the program.)
The Graphics Utility produces pie charts and bar charts